Work life balance is about prioritizing between work and everything else in our lives. We
all have different values and responsibilities and it is up to each individual to decide what
his / her priorities are. Remember work will always be present, no matter how much you
do more will bounce back. So learn to understand what are your key tasks, and after that
delegate, learn to say No mindfully and understand elements of work that can just wait.
Easier said than done, so how do you do it?
Stress is a key driver that imbalances our work life balance. Like any other variable that
affects our lives we must learn how to manage it. Not all stress is bad and recognizing this
helps us understand how stress works and how we can channel it to help you grow as an
individual rather than cave in under the pressure.
Awareness about how stress affects us and when we have reached the optimum point is
key. Mindfulness is a powerful tool that can help us in this regard. Self awareness or
mindfulness is about being in the now. It is about letting go and living consciously.
Adopting healthy living practices by being mindful about what we eat, reviewing negative
habits we have and exercising all contribute towards making you more mindful and aware.
The breath is a powerful tool in this regard. If you feel you are under pressure often the
following simple technique is effective.
Physically stop what you are doing, sit still with your head, back and spine aligned, allow
hands to rest on thighs palms facing upwards.
Observe your breath, don’t try to alter it. After a few minutes encourage a deeper breath,
feel the belly swell as you inhale and draw in as you exhale.
3. BE
Be conscious, be aware, but don’t let your mind draw you away from being. By engaging
with your mind’s thoughts you use energy, you get drawn away from the now. If a
particular thought is bothering you refocus on the exhalation. It is natural for your thoughts
to draw you away from being.
Breathe and be still for 10 minutes, then shake hands out, rotate shoulders to your ears
and stand up and shake yourself out, and continue what you were doing in more mindful
and less stressful way.
Thanks for reading, to find out more contact us about our Work life balance workshops.